Features of Venus
Venus has no moons and is closet to Earth. It is very hot. The temperature
is 900°F. You can see Venus without a telescope. Its atmosphere is very poisonous.
Venus rains sulfuric acid. Venus has a lot of pancake volcanoes. There are craters on Venus that cover most of the ground.
Venus is too hot for life and is the second brightest object you can see from Earth in the night sky.
Compare to Earth
Venus and Earth are the same because they both don’t have rings.
They are both inner planets. Venus and Earth are about the same size. They both also have atmospheres. Those are the things
Earth and Venus have in common.
Some differences are Earth
has 1 moon and Venus has no moons. Earth is the 3rd planet away from the Sun and Venus is the 2nd planet from the Sun. Venus has a poisonous atmosphere and Earth doesn’t, Venus has no oxygen and Earth does.
Venus has no water and Earth has plenty of water.
Since there is no oxygen or water on Venus, so far you can only live
on Earth!