The third graders
at Holy Family Academy have used inquiry based research to discover the answers to many thoughtful questions about
our solar system. Through this website they will share with you the facts and conclusions they have learned through their
inquiry research about the planets, sun, moon, and the stars. The final question the students had to address was: "Is there
life out there?" In order to answer this question, the students had to take a closer look at what we have here on Earth that
makes life possible. Take a look at what these third grade scientists have discovered.
~ Miss Biesiada's Third Grade Class
The order of the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These are the planets in
order from the sun. Third grade knows the planets in order by MY VERY EXCITED MOTHER JUST STARTED USING NATURE.
Here is the diameter of all the planets (and the Sun). First, the central body of the solar system, the Sun. The Sun’s
diameter is 1,392,000 km. Next is the smallest planet, Mercury. Mercury’s diameter is 4,878 km. Third is the hottest
planet, Venus. Venus’ diameter is 12,104 km. Next is home sweet home, Earth. Earth’s diameter is 12,756 km. Fifth
is the only planet with frozen water, Mars. Mars’ diameter is 6,794 km. Next is the king of the solar system, Jupiter.
Jupiter’s diameter is 142,000 km. Now is the seventh planet that is known for it’s rings, Saturn. Saturn’s
diameter is 120,000 km. Next is the only planet that spins on its side, Uranus. Uranus’ diameter is 51,300 km. And finally
the coldest planet, Neptune. Neptune’s diameter is 49,100 km. And that is the size of all the planets (and the Sun).